Je suis en la France!
So. I'm in Biarritz! The surf city of France. Just on the border to Spain on the Atlantic Coast.

I'm an instructor for the Swedish surf school 'Surfakademin'. To get here Adam picked me up with the van back home in Linköping. We drove to southern Sweden to stay the night at our co-worker kjell's place. It was beautiful around there!

The next morning we drove for about 13 hours to Tim in Antwerp, Belgium. Great to see a friend from Spot X! And he's got a cool little place :) as per usual I forgot to take any photos though.
We went up pretty early the day after to continue to Biarritz for another 14 hours in the car. Finally we were here! We live in a small house close to a beach called pavilion.

The morning after we had the first surf lesson with four guys who stayed in the house at the time. I borrowed an 8'6 log. Surfing again was amazing! Just cross-stepping over those small clean waves.. Incredible!
Then a storm came and messed up the waves, but we still had fun. We drive to a beach about half an hour away everyday. Everything's cruisy, no rush. A small group and everyone's here to surf and really loves it, which makes my job easy. About three hours in the water with a little break for a quick chat.

I get to surf as well which of course is the best part. We check the surf conditions and choose the best time and beach for the surf sesh next day. The people are cool and the city is so cute. I will definitely love it here!